“We’ve become very good at getting hearts and lungs
and livers. So I’m not gonna crush that part. I’m gonna basically crush below,
I’m gonna crush above, and I’m gonna see if I can get it all intact” That’s how
Planned Parenthood’s senior director of medical services explained to a
potential customer (who held a concealed camera) how unborn baby body parts are
routinely harvested for profitable reuse.
The president of Planned
Parenthood attempted an apology for the callousness of the words uttered by Dr.
Deborah Nucatola at a business lunch. Nucatola sipped wine and stabbed idly at
her salad while talking to the “customer,” as though it was all routine; there
was no sign of reluctance or remorse. Just “crush”, sip, swallow; ”crush”, sip,
swallow, ad nauseam. Oh, it was never denied that Nucatola’s words accurately
reflect PP’s prescribed method of gleaning parts. The president apologized only
for the tone in which the butcher doctor explained her method. Even this
apology was not sincere, only mouth music.
Can somebody out there please
explain to me how a doctor who presumably became a doctor in order to attend
the healing of the sick and infirm and took the Hypocratic Oath (the first
tenet of which states, “First of all, do no harm) to that effect, could waste
her knowledge and expertise ripping unborn babies from their mother’s wombs and
cutting them up, seeking salable parts to sell to the highest bidder? One of
these female abortionists said she planned to make enough money selling these
parts to buy a Lamborghini. She aspired to high goals (and the butchering of
many babies). There is something lacking in these PP females. Call me old
fashioned, but I was under the impression woman had a higher level of
compassion for children than most men. But for some of the gentler sex all
that’s needed is to wave a handful of greenbacks their way and they’ll stoop to
anything. (Men are susceptible to greed also, but the subject here is
butchering babies inside and sometimes outside the womb done by women at PP.
It’s a practice men are involved in also, but I would think women would shun
and fight against it because of a (reputed) innate maternal instinct. But wave
a few bucks and pfft, the instinct goes away.)
This gal Nucatola, likely after
slugging down a bit too much fruit of the vine, went on to explain to her
“customer” how the abortion doctor will “actually try to change the
presentation (of the birth) so that it’s not vertex (head first). That means
intentionally delivering the baby feet or bottom first in order to cause
“dilation,” which makes it easier for the abortionist to “evacuate an intact
calvarium (head) at the end.” Evacuate
= abscond with the infants brain.
Notice the use of scientific names
for the body parts of the infants. Could this be an attempt to avoid
subscribing humanity to them? Why not say “head” and “head first?” Evacuate the
calvarium, a euphemism of scooping out the brain and shipping ioy off to who
knows where. Could it be that it’s easier to kill the little critters if, while
you’re at it, you’re not thinking of them as children? Must be.
Phyllis Schlafly of the Eagle
Forum in a piece written for Whistleblower magazine asks a poignant question.
“Aside from the apparent illegality of such activities, how did we reach the
point in our country where an organization, led by persons with such lack of
conscience, was able to attain such power, influence and respectability that
its president addressed the last Democratic National Convention? (That was the
same convention whose delegates booed a motion to recognize God)” Says
something about Democrats, doesn’t it.
Planned Parenthood has seen huge
government largesse, in tune with the deep-pocketed feminists love of Roe v.
Wade. Last year the organization pocketed $500 million of your money to order to
continue the murder of the unborn? (It’s been said some of these little fellas
are alive when they come into the world – only then are they butchered. So they
are not all “unborn.”
My God, man, where does it end?) By the way, your president, while
a state senator, voted three times against a bill that would allow babies born
alive – those who survive the abortion process - to be cared for by the
attending doctor (there’s a lucky catch for a parent, huh?) The president and
many of his democrat cronies thought it okay to kill these children also. This,
of course, to appease feminist donors.
Folks, after the deaths of 60
million of the nation’s youngest children, it’s time to end the slaughter.
Women have shown that given “choice” they are incapable of handling the
responsibility of caring for and guiding the lives of their offspring. They’ve
gone off on a near half-century of glee and slap-happy sexual promiscuity
knowing there was a taxpayer funded way to free themselves of the drudgery of
raising their children. Just “go have it taken care of.” It’s easy, and you
avoid the responsibility of motherhood. It’s so convenient (93 percent of
abortions are done for the sake of convenience.). Yep, it’s true.
It’s time to end state and federal
taxpayer support for an organization that provides little of value, promotes nothing to the general welfare, and is
run by people who lack even a semblance of common decency when addressing the
dignity of human life.
Let’s cut the purse strings, then
concentrate on abolishing the law that makes most of what goes on there legal. Sixty million tiny souls lost forever.
That’s the population of a good-sized country, for crying out loud. What are we
waiting for? Until they kill another sixty million? Another good-sized country?
Enough is enough!