It’s about that time in the election
cycle when politicians of all stripes begin to look at the current
administration, and to catalogue its achievements. Those on the Right, in this case,
are looking for anything that can be turned into slander and accusations of
malfeasance. With the current administration there is a lot of stuff that could
be used in this manner, but conservatives are much too “polite” to expose the
Left for what it is. (I wonder why).
In the case of the Left, there is lots of casting
about for something that can be claimed as a success. Once something of
significance is found, there will be lots of crowing and ballyhooing, ranting
about what a great president we have in the White House. I realize looking for
such illusive things can be very difficult, and, boy, if your job depended on
it, now wouldn’t be a good time to sign a lease on a new Cadillac.
was wandering around in the woods again when I ran into a man and a woman walking a along swinging a Geiger counter in
front of them. They were deep in conversation, and as I drew near, I heard the
woman say with a worried tone in her voice, “There’s has to be one around here
some place!”
trying, dear, but there just isn’t anything to find.”
me,” I said, “what are you looking for?”
thought we might be able to detect something of significance accomplished by the
current administration. We’re liberals and thought it would be easy, but the
more we look, the more we realize there isn’t much to detect,” the commie lib
woman said. “Harold, turn the Geiger counter up to a higher sensitivity, and
let’s try over there.”
their search would be fruitless and feeling a little (but not much) sorry for
the lost, deluded souls, I let them go their way and continued along the Path
of Right. Soon I came upon a man hiding behind a tree and peeking around it,
looking toward a farm a distance away. He was wearing a cap with a propeller on
top and a pair of rose-colored, owl-frame glasses with lenses as thick as
bottle caps. He eyes were beady, he had buck teeth, and he drooled.
said, “What are you doing here behind this tree?”
quiet,” he said. “You’ll scare it off.”
what off,” asked I
a liberal …”
could have guessed that.”
well, I’m looking for an accomplishment of the current regime, er, I mean,
administration. I thought I saw one over there by the barn.”
I gotta see. Come on, sport, I’ll go with you.”
arrived at the barn and he says, “Do ya see anything?”
but I’m not surprised. They are very rare, you know?”
yeah? You must be one of those bigoted homophobes, who don’t like the president
because he’s black.”
as a matter of fact I don’t know anybody who doesn’t like the president because
he’s black. The president aside, we don’t like his policies or what he stands
for. And, we wouldn’t like either of those things if he were white or any other
you don’t like any of his accomplishments?” the twit asks.
there aren’t many. That’s why you can’t find any just laying around; you have
to go on safari to catch up to one. In fact, I’m amazed you thought you saw one
just now.”
smarty pants, how about his role in the assassination of Osama bin Laden? That
was great!” he insists, spitting as he talks.
it was great. The press and the White House gave him the credit for it, but,
truth be known, he damn near blew the operation by making the SEALS wait so
long to shoot the guy.”
was great, and there’s lots of other stuff, too. Its around here someplace.”
The little propeller was spinning like crazy. “Come on, let’s go across the
barnyard to the house.”
climbed through the board fence (climbing over them is too strenuous). We came
upon a dried up cow pie, and I said, “Why don’t you look under there?”
turned it over with the toe of his hiking boot and sure enough there was the
Stimulus. “Ah, ha!” he exclaimed. “ I told ya. Let’s try this cow pie here,”
kicking over another one. “Ah, ha. Illegal immigrants! E-e-e-e, ha!”
that one over there,” I said pointing to a freshly deposited cow plop.
kicked it, and the stuff stuck to this boot. “Yuck! A rigged election!”
what I say, and, believe me, that’s going to be a tough stink to get off your