The year is 2023 and DFC (dreaded female Clinton) has been
BIC (bitch in chief) for seven years. The times are bleak. We citizens are
being put upon in every way possible. The government owns everything and is
taxing it.
For instance, the government has taken over PP (poop
production in all aspects) as mandated under Senate Bill SSL (Sewage Supervision
Legislation – passed under threat of veto by DFC), which, if you’ll pardon the
french, stinks to high hell.
The bastards have assumed ownership of an entire nation of
fecal material, all that’s produced in the country. Under DFC this foul substance
is treated legislatively as being only on loan to us. Not only are we charged a
transport fee to be rid of the stuff, but under the new legislation we are billed
a storage tax, depending on PPPP (pounds produced per person). DFC, after
passage of the law, added an environmental tax that will be charged each US
citizen by the amount of carbon dioxide each deposit produces. After all, she
said, we can’t allow this crap to contribute to the melting of the polar ice
caps. We thinking people wonder why the carbon dioxide available in the atmosphere
(much due to the exhalations of respiring organisms – such as US!!) is absorbed
by the oceans and is beneficial to them, while carbon dioxide outsourced by
humans is detrimental!! This last, of course, causes untold damage to the
environment. More further along in this highly sensitive report.)
Farmers, as could be predicted, are irate over charges
attached to their tax bills for FFP (Farmland Fecal Production) by livestock. The
FFP that excites the taxman most is CPP (Cow Patty Production). Again DFC saw
an opportunity to beef up the coffers of the Treasury and penned in the
infamous BCF (blasts of cow flatulence) rider, the rationale being that
flatulence from milk cows causes major shifts in the ozone layer. Bull excrement
(BS) is sent directly to DC and used injudiciously. For some reason bull gas is
not considered a detriment to the environment, which, as you might expect has
NOW mouths screeching for new legislation that gets their bovine sisters off
the hook. Pellets dropped by sheep and goats are shipped UPS to Congress and passed
around as jelly beans. Packagers of SGP (Sheep and Goat Pellets) say they have
not yet received a single complaint. Little wonder.
Other maddening legislation emanating from the DFC
administration is ARF (Air Rental Fee). Yes, the feds finally got around to
claiming ownership of the air we breathe (after we had kidded about this for
years – remember saying, Oh, they’ll get around to taxing the air we breathe,
someday!! – well, guess what?) which, if you’ll remember, used to be free.
After taking control of the air, the government concluded there was no use
having it unless you taxed it (this sort of swerves into the LifeLock commercial where the security guard says he’s supposed to monitor bank
robberies, not try to stop them, then a voice asks why monitor it, if you’re
not going to fix it?) So the government, in its usually lax wisdom, says Hey,
WTF, we got all this air, let’s charge ‘em for it!! But they shied from calling
it a tax – too many taxes get politicians in trouble. Take water bills, for
example, a tax pure and simple. But they aren’t referred to that way, are they?
No, it’s just a water bill, not a water tax. Clever, huh?
I sit with pen poised to write a check for the privilege of
breathing, and I wonder why the payee is DFC. The gubment is broke (or so it
says) but it directs us to pay our RIB (Right to Breathe) fee to a person who
should have been locked up years ago for treason. I feel I’m being hornswaggled.
You and I both know that with DFC running the show, something stinks. Then it
comes to me. We are being charged for both clean air and foul air, just what we
should expect from a DFC administration, or any other administration, for that
matter. There is no government administration that works for the people, only
find ways to take what’s rightfully ours away from us, then ignore our protests.
I asked my wife to look over this piece, to see what she
thought. She said it was brilliant as usual, but asked why all the
abbreviations. I said I was referring to NCPs.
What are NCPs, she wanted to know.
NinComPoops, says I.
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