I have plumb got tired of listening to the evening news –
though Fox seems to get it right, still. I thought the creeps and howlies and things
that go bump in the evening might back off after the election. I mean, the
election is over, Donald J Trump is president, and there is nothing these
screeching idiots can do about it.
Or is there? The hoots and jeers seem to strengthen daily as
each morsel of lies and innuendo reach the ears of wacko aficionados ready to
spew “false news” over the airways. There is no lie that is too farfetched for
these nuts to forget about. The President and his men go dutifully about Making
America a Better Place; the liberal Democrats do nothing but bellyache and moan,
and make the betterment of America a tougher job than it needs to be.
One might say, “the commies have come home to roost.” This is the same batch of crazed lunatics
that were raising hell back in the sixties. I was there. These clowns blew up
buildings, led riots, stayed stoned and, low and behold, they grew up to be
anti-American lunatics. Students became socialist professors, law students
evolved into liberal judges out to destroy the fabric of what realAmericans
stood for. The dumbest of the bunch went to work for MSNBC and CNN and NBC and
CBS and ABC. Yes, there were jobs for all the dumb asses. And they all had the
same agenda.
They really are a shameless bunch of sonsabitches. Their
candidate barely escaped jail time for treason. They are doing everything in
their power to destroy the rightful president of the United States.
A lot of what’s going on falls on the heads of the media. It
has, through its wide circulation, acquired much too much power. The left
represents bullying in the extreme. Anyone who falls afoul of the media has a
tough row to hoe. They never give up pounding away, until eventually, their
prey succumbs and goes wherever it is dead media prey disappears to. The media
has absolutely nothing else to do but pound, pound, pound away at whatever poor
sap they’ve decided not to like today.
The last great newsman was none of these clowns we see on TV
every night (with the exceptional of Bret Baier, who I think is hugely
professional). The last great newsman was Walter Cronkite. Cronkite was anchor
man for the CBS Evening News for most of twenty years. His was considered
America’s most trusted newsman. And he was a flaming liberal democrat!
But you never knew it. Cronkite never once let his political
affiliation known on the air. He considered such a disclosure a violation of
trust. Wouldn’t the evening news be more civil if there were a few more
Cronkites serving up the nations news?
I am bored with watching the likes of Chris Matthews and the “false news” reporters on CNN attempt
to bully every conservative politician they can think of. People who watch
liberal news should be getting it by now – THERE’S NO SUCH ANIMAL AS A DECENT
CONSERVATIVE. Even if you actually believe that, don’t you get a little tired
of hearing it? I mean I get a little tired of thinking of liberals as assholes.
I know most of them are, but I tire of hearing it all the time.
For the media, and I suspect other rabid pinkos, all
conservative flaws are character flaws. There are few, if any, “nice guy”
conservatives. We are all some kind of morphrodites. We are certainly racists,
all, homophobes, all, we think people should use the biologically appropriate
lavatories, and, yes, we think President Trump should do his best to keep terrorists
out of our country. (It galls me there are so many so-called Americans against
this idea. I wonder what the lib opinion would be if Trump was a democrat?)
If other than liberals considered we conservatives flawed, I
might be worried. But as I look at the bunch of them from where I sit, I see a
gaggle of honking geese with nothing better to do but squawk and flap around.
Just aired headed squawking. It been going on for years, and I suppose I got
used to it. I started getting the idea about the gaggle back in the seventies.
Just recently President Trump’s budget put the kibosh on the global-warming
krap the left has been trying to saddle us with for the past, what?, thirty
I need only remember this was the same gaggle of screwballs
that were howling about an Ice Age back in the seventies. It’s true – look it
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