The liberal response to the president’s rejection of the
climate treaty was predictable. Had BO rejected this monstrosity, which he
surely wouldn’t, the response would have been much different, as we know. I
applaud President Trump for not losing his cool over the hypocrisy of the left.
This accord would have done nothing but raise our taxes (yours and mine),
meanwhile accomplish nothing as far as climate is concerned.
They say the seas
are rising, some glaciers are melting, but none of it means anything insofar as
our (you and me) causing the heat of the planet to go up. (There has been no
global warming in nearly 20 years.) Climate can, and does, change on its own
from time to time.
Science has lost out to politics‒global warming enthusiasts
trying to dupe the politicians into giving them free money so they can study
global warming, called currently climate change because global warming is a
lie, as if their jobs depended on it, which it very likely does. But if your job
is dependent on lying and attempting to hoodwink the government‒and
ultimately we taxpayers‒into giving you money for something that doesn’t exist,
you need to find a new project or a new job. We know it’s a taxpayer rip-off when
we’re told that China and India‒the two biggest polluters (and you
thought it was US, huh?) haven’t paid a dime toward preventing global warming
and likely will not. It’s all bee-ess, just like the accusation that President
Trump colluded with the Russians to win the election. Though there is no proof
for either issue, the gaggle of geese keep spitting and honking.
I even hear it said that Rhode Island democrat senator
Sheldon Whitehouse thinks it’s a swell idea to use the RICO laws (those used to
put the racketeers away thirty years or so ago) to prosecute we who deny global
warming. Can you imagine the temerity of this prick‒to deny those with a brain the
right to freedom of speech. Question: why doesn’t this liberal twit propose the
use of the RICO laws to go after terrorists?
“Hey, you, c’mere. Say, you look like a terrorist, you
walk like a terrorist, you talk like a terrorist; I’ll bet you’re a terrorist.
You’re under arrest for being a terrorist.”
“But, Ossifer, I didn’t do nothing. Honest.”
“Don’t matter. It’s called the rat test. If you look like
a rat, you walk like a rat, you talk like a rat, you’re a rat. Let’s go!”
Actually, I say this tongue-in-cheek but it really doesn’t
sound like a bad idea. Problem being, it’s
terribly politically incorrect and would never be allowed. How about using the
RICO laws to silence the politically correct crowd? What a blessing that would
be. Added benefit: recidivism rates in prisons would plummet‒who
would want to serve time with these maniacs?
I also heard the president of France‒can’t
think of his name‒invited all the “geese” who opposed the president’s
rejection of the accord to come to his country‒they would be welcomed with
open arms.
Thing is, a good many of the geese are wealthy people‒movie
stars (who should be boycotted), politicians, industrialists, ad nauseaum) who
own their own gas-guzzling airplanes, polluting the planet with every flight.
The movie people are the worst. They use their talents (such as they are) to
become rich and famous, then use their wealth and celebrity to tell lies about
the environment and call for elimination of our rights‒vis-a-vie their opposition to
the Second Amendment.
There is no reason to listen to these people, trouble
being, some of them contribute muchissimo bucks to the democrat party. (Now
there’s another group we could use the RICO laws to get rid of. Think of it‒no
freaking geese honking at every move the president makes or that would vote
against us in elections. (I have some friends here locally‒both
who I swear go to vote at every election for the past thirty years just to nullify
the votes of my wife and me.) Geese would be welcomed in prison, as I am led to
believe most inmates are democrats at heart. But most are politically
correct-what the hell does that mean, anyway? Politically correct? What’s
correct about it? I suppose there is a political element there someplace‒politics
and political correctness both smack of being loaded with bee-ess. As does
liberalism, for that matter. None of it
makes any sense. It’s all bee-ess. But why is bee-ess running the country. It
just doesn’t seem as though the winners of the election are doing very well.
Every time our president proposes some act or law or
whatever to help get the country moving, liberals, mostly media types, attack
him. I’ve got to hand it to him; I think if it was me being attacked by the gaggle
of geese at every turn, I would feel compelled to strike back. Likely, I would
regret my words later, but I think there would be certain times I would have
say something vile. President Trump’s every move is for the betterment of a
nation laid waste by his predecessor. And the left doesn’t care. The geese are
still hissing and honking because Hillary isn’t president. To them, it’s all
that matters. Whatever Trump does for the betterment of the country won’t
matter-it will be attributed to something or someone else. (Wow! The RICO laws
are sounding better and better, aren’t they?)
It would nice if there was a way to silence the geese,
but then this wouldn’t be America. There is that darned First Amendment, and
last I looked it’s we conservatives who abide by it, fight for it. It’s the
geese we have to look out for .
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